
During Camp

During the summer, your personal actions off camp property can have a direct affect on camp; after all, you are a representative of the camp. You represent camp at all times, including days off, when you're home, and even online. Your posts and online conversations can affect your "offline" life at camp. Refrain from posting stories and pictures from your days off, and always remember that anything you post, e-mail, text, video, or voicemail can end up all over the world in minutes.

A lot happens during a day at camp. It's a highly social place, where a lot of things are said - some true, some not. Regardless if the issue involves camp or not, if it is discussed at camp then it becomes camp business. Try to keep your Camp life at Camp, just as you keep your Home life at Home. Your friends from school and other camp staff do not need to listen to or read your gossip about Camp at night.

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