Answer the following questions based on the material covered in this Behavior Management course.
A score of 75% is required to pass. Once you click Submit, scroll to the bottom of the page to see your score. If it is below 75%, you should retake the course.
The concept of "antiseptic bouncing" is best defined as: Having a child, who may be becoming disruptive, at an overly stimulating activity take a break to either cool down or run an errand?
True False
As described by Bob Ditter, which of the following do adults tend to fall victim to when talking to children in stressful situations?
They become too emotional They talk too much They don't say what they mean All of the above
The concept of "signal interference" is best defined as: The use of tangible incentives that educate and influence behavioral change.
True False
Many children are good at expressing their feelings, even when under stress, therefore you should take caution NOT to decode children's behavior into feelings, since they don't act out how they are feeling.
True False
According to Bob Ditter, acknowledging that you appreciate being with the children and being their friend before changing the tone from fun to serious is an EFFECTIVE way to get the children to transition WITH you?
True False