The counselor shows proper attention and concern for all campers by:
emailing them prior to camp attending to the needs of all campers
giving attention to only their favorite camper all of the above
The counselor supports the camp program by:
arriving to all activities on time participating and assisting at all activities maintaining a clean locker room all of the above
All staff should wear their camp shirts:
only for softball games once a week every day only on special event days
When on the playground, counselors should:
take out chairs from the classroom and sit on them supervise campers at play
talk to their friends
all of the above
The buddy sheet should have the camper's full name, their swimming ability, the swim area assigned, and:
their wrist band color their assigned buddy their lifeguard all of the above
If the camper has a minor injury, you are to:
write a note to their parents put a band aid on it bring the camper to the nurse all of the above
When traveling from one activity to another:
do a head count keep your group together
staff should lead the group and bring up the rear
all of the above
Cell phones are to be used ONLY:
when you get a phone call in the staff room when you are on a break
when you want to order lunch
all of the above
Our camp Internet policy is that:
staff will not post campers' photos online staff will keep their Facebook pages private
staff will not communicate with campers online all of the above
Staff will NOT park in:
the local neighborhood around camp the local neighborhood around camp
the local neighborhood around camp all of the above