In the olden days, we were able to see a lot more of the relationships that children had with each other. Phones were in common locations, meetings were in person, and the word "text" was a noun, not a verb. Now, what we can see is only the tip of the iceberg. Between cell phones, text messages, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and other online networks, children have many social interactions that we, as camp professionals, do not know about. These are real interactions, and they affect children just as much as the traditional face to face interactions. We have to be aware of them in order to better understand our campers.
Online social networks are just like "real" social networks. There are friends, bullies, and people who gossip. Actions that take place online have real world consequences. If you say or do something online, odds are that everyone will find out eventually (just like real world gossip!). Teasing, or poking fun, can affect your professional relationships. Crossing the line into bullying is even worse. Please consult your camp's bullying policy and make sure that you understand the parameters and consequences that are spelled out by your camp director.