What Do I Do?
...If a camper or another staff member tells me that someone has molested them?
Follow these DO's and DONT's and be prepared to respond to a camper or staff member sharing information with you:
- DO say to the camper or staff member, "Thank you for sharing this information with me."
- DO OFFER SUPPORT - Tell the camper or staff member that you believe them, and assure them that you'll do all that you can to help them.
- DO SEEK ASSISTANCE OR HELP - Go to a supervisor, administrator, or nurse in any dangerous or "at risk" situations, such as signs of severe stress.
- DO RESPECT PRIVACY - Talk to the person in a place where you can be seen by others but not heard. Share this information ONLY with the camp director or the nurse.
- DO ENCOURAGE DISCLOSURE - Tell the person that in order to receive help, he or she should not keep this a secret, and that it is OK to talk with appropriate adults about what happened.
Make sure the person does not feel like it is their fault or that they are to blame for the situation.
- DON'T PANIC OR OVERREACT - Stay calm - the information is difficult for a person to share, especially a child.
- DON'T DISCUSS - Don't share the information with ANYONE except a director or nurse. It should not be the topic of conversation in the bunk or staff lounge.
- DON'T CRITICIZE - Don't say that the person must be mistaken, or that you can't believe what happened.
- DON'T PROMISE TO KEEP A SECRET - Do not promise "not to tell." Tell the person that you can't make that promise if you are going to help them.
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